Mark Ahn Presents Science and Business Together as a New Frontier of Innovation

Mark Ahn may be a chameleon of innovation. His efforts in smart development have dipped into many different niches and areas of business and science. Perhaps one of his strongest attributes is his inescapable love for smart thinking. This is not the type of elitist smart thinking that makes people lift their chin up and not embrace mainstream culture. This is real smart thinking. His concepts and efforts always seem to have an air of innovation and intelligence behind them. Mark Ahn wants to make things accessible for more people, and not alienate them in the process.

Making Science a Business

There is a large cultural movement that is favoring scientific development. Astrophysicists have their own television show. It is no longer 2005. With that said, business is still the number one degree in the Untied States. There needs to be a serious effort to merge business and science in a way that is natural, fluid, and attractive. Oregon Live Mark Ahn taught at Victoria University in a course aptly titled, Science and Technology Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial business is rich in opportunity because many business leaders think that a traditional path is the best way to success. They try to supply a product or demand in a major consumer market, and they look at the demand in the marketplace. Oddly, they are missing the demand for science-based ideas right in the heart of every major American city. Ahn understands the desire for knowledge that is not purely based on business and profits. Science is certainly profitable. The best entrepreneurs realize the potential science has to give, both in a community way and an entrepreneurial way.

Oregon Live

Some of the industry fields Mark Ahn works in are not the most accessible for mainstream culture. Bioengineering and pharmaceutical management hardly roll off the tongue. Ahn manages to simplify the information in a presentable package. He has written complex essays on these topics, and many others, for high-end trade publications. Mark Ahn at is a different writer. He takes these inherently dense topics and presents them in a fashion that is coherent and manageable for people who lack the specific knowledge on the topic.

Is a writer? Is he a business man? Is he a teacher? With unrivaled motivation, a desire to learn, and a constant desire to pool resources, Mark Ahn is all of those things.